Current Volunteers
At Reality Kids we love Jesus, love kids, and are excited to partner with parents! Here, Jesus is the Hero of every story, and we strive to cultivate a Gospel-centered ecosystem where kids can encounter, explore, and enjoy life with Jesus.
Upcoming Lessons
Leader Bible Study | Jesus Was Crucified (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23–24; John 19–20)
Here in the New Testament crucifixion accounts, we read of Christ taking to the cross on our behalf. In this place where Jesus was stripped of His dignity, we find ourselves clothed in His righteousness by faith.
Why did the omnipotent Jesus choose the cross? How did the suffering of Jesus lead to life everlasting for us? It was through the undeserved disgrace He endured that we would receive God’s unwarranted grace and the gift of new life.
In the events leading up to His crucifixion, the King of glory faced criminal charges based on His claim to kingship. We read that the scoffers in the crowd and rulers of the day failed to truly realize His eternal reigning power that transcended the politics of their day. Though He was truly the all-powerful Son of God, He was unwilling to save Himself, that He might save us instead through suffering on our behalf. He refused to bow down to the hateful whims of the world, even despite the physical torture He was forced to endure. How heartbreaking to consider the insults hurled at the only truly innocent One, even from the mouths of the criminals who hung at His side on the cross.
In the aftermath of such excruciating punishment—and at the hands of so many of His own people, at that—the Son of Man was laid to rest in a garden tomb, thus fulfilling the burial prophecy of Isaiah 53:9. The ultimate price was paid by the God who keeps His promises, from the old covenant now into the new.
Teach your kids that on Calvary’s hill as darkness fell upon the earth, we got to experience the life that could only come from the death of God’s own Son. He who knew no sin experienced the depths of separation from the Father so that we would not have to endure such darkness. Christ took on the feeling of forsakenness so that we would never have to know what life is like without Him; this is our invitation to everlasting life that is only received by faith alone.
Crucifixion: method the Romans used to execute Jesus Christ; the most painful and degrading form of capital punishment in the ancient world
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Leader Bible Study | Jesus Was Raised (Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20)
Amidst the darkness of the crucifixion story, the promise of new life in Jesus sprang forth. Here in these passages, the truth of Christ’s victory became known first to His closest followers and then was spread throughout the rest of the world.
With what power was Jesus raised from the grave? How did these events tie into the story of the gospel or into our own lives? Every word of the Scriptures works in harmony to point to the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. Through His victory over sin and death, those who believe in His name find everlasting life through Him, God’s Son.
Despite the security of the closely guarded tomb, Christ still rose again from the grave. Though the chief priests conspired to stop the truth of His resurrection from circulating, the truths of Christ’s enduring power still resounded. The guards in their earthly strength, as well as the priests in their worldly power, stood no chance against the unstoppable might of the one, true Son of God.
The Spirit of God that raised Christ from the dead was not just a once-and-done deal. In fact, that same Spirit is alive inside of those who profess faith in Jesus even still today. Remind kids that the miraculous power at work in the Son is still working within those who call upon His name for salvation from sin. God was pleased with His Son who reigns as King over all creation; He has invited us to enter into a relationship with Him, all because of the work that Christ did on our behalf.
Just as the angels reminded the women at the empty tomb, Christ did all that He said He would do, exactly as the Old Testament proclaimed the Messiah would. His truth remains, and His Word endures. Although the chief priests tried to spread false news, Christ’s truth remains active and living, still alive today. Despite the mourning, weeping, and confusion of our human experiences, the good news is still ours to proclaim and cling to with hope. Christ is risen, and He invites us into the victory He has secured.
Resurrection: bodily rising from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection was a historical event and a supernatural act of God. Believers in Christ rise to eternal life and bliss with God; unbelievers to eternal torment and separation from God.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Leader Bible Study | Jesus is Our Perfect King (Colossians 1)
One of the most magnificent titles given to Christ is that of the complete and perfect King. Paul reflected on both the might and majesty of the risen Jesus as he detailed the immensity of the hope we find in His name. Though we are prone to falter and fail, Christ in His completeness remains the full, sovereign fixture of our faith.
On what basis do we crown Jesus King? How do we see His kingship demonstrated to us and through us as His followers? It is through His sufficiency and might as righteous King that we find our strength and hope. It was not through earthly wisdom or power that Paul endured persecution and hardship; only because of his trust in Jesus did he find the strength to persevere and encourage the Colossians whom he loved.
The basis of Paul’s hope was the sufficiency of Christ. He wrote that Jesus had been present since the beginning and lived on the earth as our Immanuel, “God with us.” Because He has existed for all time and everything exists for Him and through Him, He reigns supremely and sovereignly over all things. As His followers, we are the body of Christ, and He is the head. There is no greater ruler than He, our perfect King.
By placing our trust in Him as Lord and King over our lives, we are made holy and blameless before Him. Through His Spirit at work in us, we are renewed to reflect the character that He alone embodies. In and of Himself alone, He is holy and complete, lacking nothing in perfection. It is by grace through faith that we enter into the kingdom of the Son whom the Father loves, and are able to live for His glory on earth.
Share with kids that the truth we are all seeking—whether we are young or old, lifelong followers of Christ or new to the faith—is found in Him alone. Just as the church in Colossae had to heed God’s truth apart from the false gospels of the world, so, too, must we seek to find our answers from the Scriptures. May we continue to be filled with His knowledge and strength, being transformed more into the image of the perfect King who made a way for us.
Christ as King: The promise of a coming King finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ and looks forward to its perfection when Jesus returns for His bride, the church.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Team Training
Thank you for serving with Reality Kids! Before serving on our team, we require that all volunteers be trained. Please listen to the trainings below so that you know what is expected of you as a Reality Kids volunteer. The first three trainings are required for all Reality Kids volunteers. Once you've listened to those, please select the age group you will be serving with for age specific training sessions.