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At Reality Kids we love Jesus, love kids, and are excited to partner with parents! Here, Jesus is the Hero of every story, and we strive to cultivate a Gospel-centered ecosystem where kids can encounter, explore, and enjoy life with Jesus.
Ralston Transition Meeting Recording
Upcoming Lessons
Leader Bible Study | Jesus Was Anointed (Matthew 26, Mark 14, John 12)
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John all recounted Christ’s anointing in the last days before Passover. As Christ, His disciples, and friends all gathered to remember what God had done for His people so long ago, Mary anointed Jesus. We continue to celebrate the legacy of her worshipful act, just as Jesus proclaimed we would.
What was the significance of Mary’s extravagant offering? Why did Christ declare that she would always be remembered for the affection she displayed for her Lord?
While Judas’ eyes were blinded by his own greed, Mary’s hands were guided by devotion to Christ alone. Though it seemed her offering of such precious perfume was a waste of resources, her reverence was not lost on Jesus. He deemed the costliness of her worship to be noble and exemplary. A year’s worth of oil was worth less to her than this opportunity to worship Him there in His presence. She found herself unwilling to waste such an occasion to showcase His worth before all who were assembled in Simon the Leper’s home.
To Jesus, it did not matter where the cost of the oil went, so much as the fact that she offered it up to Him in worship. So often, those on the outside wish to find the worth of our worship through a worldly lens. However, Christ is more interested in the obedience of our hearts. The joy in our giving is of greater value than any price tag it
may bear.
Mary’s choice to anoint the Lord with this costly oil became preparation for His burial; her sacrificial choice to honor Him with all she had was not put to waste. In fact, it helped establish her legacy in Scripture and even brought Christ one step closer to fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy.
Explain to kids that genuine worship, even at its costliest, is never wasted because He is worth more than all the treasures of the world. Mary’s opportunity to demonstrate Christ’s value before the others was what set her apart. How can we lead our kids toward lives of genuine devotion to Christ?
Anoint: procedure of rubbing or smearing a person or thing, usually with oil, for the purpose of healing, setting apart, or embalming. Jesus is God’s Anointed One, the Savior (Acts 10:38).
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Leader Bible Study | Jesus Shared a Last Meal (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22)
The time came nearer for Jesus and His disciples to celebrate Passover together. Christ knew the betrayal would take place soon, yet He earnestly desired to break bread and recline at the table with His closest friends. He was aware of the suffering that was soon to come, too, yet He still took to the cross for our salvation; He endured it all for the joy set before Him.Â
The Passover celebrated the works of God on His people’s behalf, as He freed them from Egyptian bondage. Each year, they gathered so as not to forget their miraculous deliverance from slavery. Out of these age-old traditions came the Lord’s Supper—a celebration of His new covenant.Â
What was the significance of the last meal taking place on the first day of Unleavened Bread? How did this tie into the promises of God’s new covenant in Jesus?Â
The first day of Unleavened Bread was a time when the Israelites would sacrifice their Passover lambs. They observed this tradition in remembrance of the blood of the lamb, which signified that God should pass over their home amid the last Egyptian plague. Since that event, they would continue to sacrifice a lamb in memory of God’s faithfulness in saving His people.Â
Even though Jesus had predicted His death, the disciples still did not comprehend all that Jesus would suffer. As He offered the cup and broke bread at their side, they could not fathom all that Christ would soon endure for them to have forgiveness and eternal life in His name. While the priests before Him could only offer up a sacrificial lamb in their place, only Jesus could truly be the sacrifice needed to atone for sin. He was the promised eternal Lamb of God who died in our place that we may truly live.Â
Explain to kids that the disciples did not initially have the full picture of God’s great plan of redemption as we do today. Unlike the disciples, we have the entire Bible before us to know Jesus as the object of our faith and experience everlasting life through Him.Â
The Last Supper: the last meal Jesus shared with His disciples before the crucifixion. This new tradition, a celebratory communal meal, forms the heart of Christian worship and will be celebrated until the second coming of Christ.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Leader Bible Study | Jesus Was Arrested (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22)
Christ’s arrest and betrayal remain some of the darkest accounts we read in the Scriptures. The sinless Savior experienced rejection at the hands of His closest friends, knowing the darkness of death He would soon encounter in the hours that followed. The recurring theme that resurfaced throughout each unfolding event was that Christ foreknew all that would come next, yet He took to the cross for our salvation anyway.Â
The all-knowing Jesus recounted to His disciples the deceitfulness of not only the chief priests and elders, but also of His own follower, Judas, and of the other disciples who would likewise flee in fear of persecution. Each time the Lord shared the truths of the darkness to come, His followers failed to acknowledge the reality of their own faithlessness.Â
Christ foresaw the betrayals of them all yet forgave them of their sins and continued to walk toward the cross. With each new turn, the Savior remained faithfully in step with the Father’s love. Amid the striking and scattering of His disciples–just as Zechariah 13:7 prophesied–Christ remained resolute, His trust in the Father unfaltering. Â
We see His dedication to God through His time spent praying in the garden, as well as in His invitation to the disciples to join Him in prayer. While Jesus earnestly poured out His prayers to the Father, the disciples chose sleep over prayer. And yet, Christ remained steadfast in following his Father’s plan, His eyes toward the suffering He would endure on the cross for sinners.
Explain to kids that Jesus knows our greatest sin, struggles, and inconsistencies but still loves and pursues us despite it all, just as He did with His disciples. Our faith in Him as the Savior was never based on our ability to follow Him perfectly, but rather on Christ’s abilities to obey the Father perfectly. In Him we place our faith as the One who knew our darkness and chose us anyway. Though we do not know what awaits us, we know who remains steadfast amidst the darkness and the unknown: Jesus alone.
People TO KNOW
Judas: Judas Iscariot, the only disciple from Judea, acted as treasurer for the disciples but was known as a miser and a thief (John 12:4–6). Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Team Training
Thank you for serving with Reality Kids! Before serving on our team, we require that all volunteers be trained. Please listen to the trainings below so that you know what is expected of you as a Reality Kids volunteer. The first three trainings are required for all Reality Kids volunteers. Once you've listened to those, please select the age group you will be serving with for age specific training sessions.