Serve at Reality

At Reality we believe that serving is a form of worship. Every week, the church gathers to worship together, serve each other, and live in light of the gospel, and each team plays a practical and unique role in the life of our church.

How Can I Serve?

Supporting Roles

These roles are largely practical and support various ministries and functions of our Sunday gatherings and midweek events.


Communion Team
Kid's Snack / Craft
Preparing Food for Sunday Volunteers
Set Up & Tear Down

On-Ramp Length
< 1 Month

Connecting Roles

These roles help to connect people to our church through one-on-one interaction, or by representing our church as a whole.


Coffee Team
Worship Team

On-Ramp Length
3 - 6 Months

Leading Roles

These roles involve leading or facilitating groups across various ministries.


Kid's Classroom Teachers
Youth Leaders
Community Group Leaders
Bible Study Small Group Leaders

On-Ramp Length
6 - 12 Months

Where Can I Serve?