Serve at Reality
At Reality we believe that serving is a form of worship. Every week, the church gathers to worship together, serve each other, and live in light of the gospel, and each team plays a practical and unique role in the life of our church.
How Can I Serve?
Supporting Roles
These roles are largely practical and support various ministries and functions of our Sunday gatherings and midweek events.
Communion Team
Kid's Snack / Craft
Preparing Food for Sunday Volunteers
Set Up & Tear Down
On-Ramp Length
< 1 Month
Connecting Roles
These roles help to connect people to our church through one-on-one interaction, or by representing our church as a whole.
Coffee Team
Worship Team
On-Ramp Length
3 - 6 Months
Leading Roles
These roles involve leading or facilitating groups across various ministries.
Kid's Classroom Teachers
Youth Leaders
Community Group Leaders
Bible Study Small Group Leaders
On-Ramp Length
6 - 12 Months
Where Can I Serve?

Reality Youth exists to share and show the love of Jesus with J-High and High School students. We serve so that this generation of teenagers might experience revival in their faith in Jesus, passion in following Jesus, and a desire to serve Jesus.
The mission of Reality Kids Team is to come alongside parents by pointing their infant through fifth graders to Jesus, teaching them the scriptures, and demonstrating the love of God. Reality Kids is a safe, fun, and Christ-centered ministry, made up of a team of people with a wide array of skill sets including class leaders, class assistants, and behind the scene supporters.

Coffee Team
The Coffee Team provides coffee for the congregation, staff, and volunteers on Sunday mornings. The team comes in before service to brew coffee, set up our coffee station, and serve coffee before each service.
Connect Team
The Connect Team connects people that come to Reality to the life of the church. These volunteers serve at our connect desk in the main lobby and are available to talk with anyone who is interested in learning more about Reality. This team is available before and after services at the connect desk.

Communion Team
The Communion Team sets up the communion elements in the main sanctuary before each service. They also light candles at each communion station at the front of the sanctuary as the second set of worship begins.
Gathering Set Up & Tear Down
This team gets things in order before our Sunday gatherings by setting out parking signs, adding umbrellas to the outdoor picnic tables, and setting up the TV and speakers in our outdoor gathering space. Some come early to set up, and others stay after the second service to tear down.

Greeting Team
The Greeting Team welcomes people as they arrive at our Sunday gatherings. The greeters are some of the first people to interact with the congregation, and they greet in a way that communicates love, joy, humility and a servant heart of Christ. This does not only mean welcoming people as they arrive, but also being able to direct people to different areas of the church.
The Parking Team keeps things in order by directing people where to park as they arrive at our Sunday gatherings. They also assist with ensuring parking signs are placed correctly, which keeps our neighbors happy!

Serving the Servants (Breakfast)
The Serving the Servants Team provides food for the staff and volunteers that serve during both services on Sunday mornings. The Pastors, Elders, Staff, and Volunteers work hard to feed our souls through the teaching of God’s word. Through this team, we have the opportunity to operate as a family and can show our love for those whom God has placed in our lives as shepherds by providing food!
Visual Team
Our Visual Team is in charge of projecting announcement slides, lyrics, scripture verses, and message notes on the sanctuary screens during our Sunday gatherings.

Sound Team
Our Sound Team arrives early on Sundays with our worship team to assist with set up, monitoring, and adjusting audio equipment to make sure things are sounding the best they possibly can. If you have a heart to serve in this way, and have some experience running sound, we’d love to meet you!
Usher Team
The Usher Team helps create a welcoming environment by helping people find their seats and place in our Sunday gatherings, answering practical questions about our facilities, minimizing distractions, and offering a friendly smile.

Worship Team
Our Worship Team uses the gift of musicianship to create a space during our Sunday gatherings for our Church to encounter the presence of God.