Matthew 25:1-13 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
It’s often been said that Christianity is not about religion; it’s about relationship. But what does that mean? What is the difference, and why does it matter?
Matthew 24:42-51 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
What does it mean to be a faithful person? And how is true faithfulness made possible by the gospel?
Matthew 7:21-29 • Dave Lomas • The Stories of Jesus
Luke 7:36-50 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
Luke 19:11-23 • Christian Simas • The Stories of Jesus
Where are we most invested in life? And what does this reveal about our hearts? The parable of the talents (minas) gives us insight into how our investments in the things around us reveal what’s going on within us.
Mark 4:26-34 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
Mark 4:26-34
Mark 4:21-25 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
Mark 4:21-25
Luke 10:25-37 • • The Stories of Jesus
Luke 15:1-2,11-32 • Dominic Balli • The Stories of Jesus
Luke 15:1-2,11-32
Matthew 20:1-16 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
Matthew 20:1-16
Tim Chaddick • Easter 2023
Mark 11 • Tim Chaddick • Palm Sunday
Would we be surprised if we really listened to how the gospel accounts describe Jesus? What happens when we welcome Jesus into our lives as he truly is?
Titus 3:12-15 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
Community life can be complicated. How does the gospel teach us to navigate all of our relationships with grace?
Titus 3:3-5 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
How does God provide us with the power to change? And what does it mean to be a community dependent on this power?
Titus 3:3b-5 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
Titus 3:1-2 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
Titus 2:11-15 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
Titus 2:9-10 • Tim Chaddick • A Faithful Presence
What does God think about our jobs? Can the Christian faith connect in a meaningful way to our work?
Titus 2:1-8 • Dominic Balli • A Faithful Presence