Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14 • Billy Hunter • God With Us
Isaiah 49:13-16 • Tim Chaddick • God With Us
Matthew 7:13-29 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
When it comes to Jesus, there is no such thing as being neutral. Why is that? What did Jesus say about Himself that requires us to make a decision? And what happens when we do?
Matthew 7:1-12 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
What does Jesus say about how we relate to one another? How are we to see, approach, and love those around us?
Matthew 6: 25-34 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
In an age of anxiety and worry, how can we experience peace in our lives? Where can peace be found and what practices promote it?
Matthew 6:5-15 • Brian Buffon • Sermon on the Mount
Prayer is vital in the Christian life. But how should we do it? How did Jesus teach us to pray?
Matthew 6:1-4 • Obed Brefo • Sermon on the Mount
How does the gospel of Jesus make us radically generous people?
Matthew 5:38-48 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
Jesus clearly tells us to love our enemies. But what does that look like? And how is it even possible?
Matthew 5:27-37 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
How should a follower of Jesus think about sexual ethics? And why does it matter so much?
Matthew 5:21-26 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
How does the gospel heal our anger and help us become people of peace?
Matthew 5:17-20 • Dominic Balli • Sermon on the Mount
What is the Law of God? And how should we think about it in light of the gospel?
Matthew 5:1-12 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
What does being a Christian look like? What are the characteristics of a person who is following Jesus?
Matthew 5:1-12 • Tim Chaddick • Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount has rightly been called the most famous sermon ever preached, and its contents are well-known even outside the church. But unlike any other speech in history, we cannot separate the power of the principles in this sermon from the power of the person speaking them. Because trusting in Jesus is the key to living like Jesus. And this is why the subtitle of our series is called “Faith, Practice and the Way of Jesus.” In this series, we will discover our great need to put our faith in Jesus, and as a result, we will find the power to practice the way of Jesus as his counter-cultural people of light in a dark world.
Luke 24:13-27 • Tim Chaddick • Standalone Teachings
How do we relate to the Bible? How are we to approach the Bible individually and collectively?
Psalm 63 • Tim Chaddick • Psalms
We will all face wilderness seasons in life, times where we are surrounded by adversity and disappointment. How does God enable us to face them in a way that we are not crushed but transformed by them?
Psalm 27 • Tim Chaddick • Psalms
Psalm 96 • Christian Simas • Psalms
How does the gospel not only renew individuals but even bring the nations together?
Psalm 32 • Bijan Mirtolooi • Psalms
Many view the practice of confession as unnecessary in the modern world. But what if radical honesty is what we long for and need? What if confession is the beginning of freedom?
Psalm 8 • Tim Chaddick • Psalms
Matthew 25:31-46 • Tim Chaddick • The Stories of Jesus
The Bible talks a lot about a final judgement. But what is this final judgement? And how does faith in Jesus prepare me for that day?