The whole church is an every-member ministry. This means Sundays and Community Groups are the primary way that men can connect with the broader church as well as other men. In addition, we provide a variety of opportunities for men to connect throughout the year.

The Apostle Paul reminds us that the leader’s job is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. (Eph. 4) Therefore, we view the whole church as an every-member ministry. This means Sundays and Community Groups are the primary contexts for discipleship. They are also the primary context for men’s ministry. We encourage men to get involved in Sunday gatherings and join a local Community Group as the primary way to connect with other men in the church.
In support of these regular rhythms, we also provide a variety of events for men throughout the year, such as retreats, classes, and social activities which are meant to equip, support, inspire, and encourage men to better engage with the primary rhythms of Sundays and Community Groups throughout the week. You can find upcoming men’s events below!